Mandatory CPD?

Fully Support This!


Motion regarding mandatory Continuing Professional Development Scheme, proposed by Dipendra Harshad Rai (Chairperson, BC Professional Standards and Development Committee), on behalf of BC

Tuesday, 28 February 2012 02:30pm
(a)  the Bar Council Professional Standards and Development Committee (the “Committee”) has considered whether there is a need for the implementation of a mandatory Continuing Professional Development (“CPD”) Scheme for the Malaysian Bar;  

(b)  having considered international trends in favour of the implementation of such programmes for the purpose of practitioners of law and the context of, and circumstances relevant to, the Malaysian Bar, the Committee has come to the conclusion that the implementation of a mandatory CPD Scheme would be to the benefit of the Members of the Malaysian Bar; and 

(c) the Committee has considered all the reservations or objections raised against the implementation of a mandatory CPD Scheme, and has prepared the CPD Guidelines (herein attached as Appendix A);  


(a) the Malaysian Bar recognises the need for the implementation of a mandatory CPD Scheme; 

(b) to facilitate the transition for Members of the Malaysian Bar, the mandatory CPD Scheme will be implemented on a voluntary basis for the first two years;  

(c) the minimum number of CPD hours is 16 hours (units) in a 24-month cycle, obtainable by a variety of  ways as listed in the CPD Guidelines; and

(d) Bar Council be authorised to take all necessary steps, after the pilot two-year voluntary programme, towards the implementation of the CPD Scheme including, if considered necessary: 

(i) adopting the CPD Guidelines;

(ii) accrediting courses, seminars, workshops, conferences and other appropriate events, for the purpose of ensuring programmes for the CPD Scheme;

(iii) organising courses, seminars, workshops, conferences and other appropriate events, for the purpose of ensuring programmes for the CPD Scheme; 

(iv) putting in place measures to ensure participation in the CPD Scheme and to inculcate a culture of continuing professional development amongst Members; and

(v)  doing all such other things that are incidental or conducive to the successful achievement or betterment of the mandatory CPD Scheme.


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